September 14, 2012

How to Prolong the Evo 4G Battery Life

The Sprint Htc Evo 4G has many great features that have many smart phone users excited. However, one of the common complaints about this phone is the battery life. If you are a moderate user, you can expect the battery to last about 12 hours. If you need longer usage before recharging, here are a few ways you can prolong the Evo 4G Battery Life.

Turn Offer Services Not In Use

Although you are not using services, it is all the time running in the background. If you are not using them, you can turn them off. If you are in an area that doesn't have 4G, you should turn it off to save power. Same thing applies to Gps, Bluetooth, and WiFi. These services will run and waste power unless you turn them off.

Adjust the Screen Brightness

The 4.3 inchscreen is great for watching videos but the radiance can kill you battery life. You can adjust the radiance of the screen to save your battery. There is an auto adjust setting that will adjust the radiance depending upon the lighting in your area.

Time Out Setting

When your Sprint Htc Evo is not in use, it will shut off the display to save power. You can adjust the setting to a lower timeout interval. Having the timeout setting at 15 seconds will use less power than having at 1 minute.

Turn of all the time On MobileData

This feature saves battery power by only using the 3G and 4G radios when they are needed. The radios will automatically detect if you need 3G or 4G and turn it off when not needed.

The numerous applications and services can shorten the Evo 4G battery life. By managing your services you can enjoy your new smart phone for longer periods before recharging.

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